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July 2008 Vol. 004

EcoNews for July 2008

Healthy People, Healthy Homes and a Healthy Planet

Is your family healthy?  Most of us either have a chronic disease or are often tired or have allergies or get colds or the flu.  People who are really healthy don't get sick and are full of energy!  Find out what you can do to improve your health!

The Nutritional iPod is Here:  Chews4Health

Chews 4 Health is now here.  Many are saying that this product is going to revolutionalize the supplement industry like the iPod has completely changed music industry!  We chew our food, and in doing so, help to start digesting it and breaking down the nutrients into a usable form right in our mouth!  This product will help your body do the same with your supplement, thereby increasing absorption tremendously!  Whether you just want to use the product or offset the cost of your purchases by recommending it to family and friends or start a full scale home business, Chews 4 Health is a product and company you do not want to miss!

Coconut Oil & Saturated Fats

Aren't Saturated Fats Bad for You?  What about coconut oil?  Find out more!

Healthy People, Healthy Homes
and a Healthy Planet

Is your family healthy?  We certainly hope so, but most families today have at least one member who is not healthy, and many of the health problems they experience are being shown more and more to have their roots in an excess of toxins in our environment.  These include not only cancer and chemical sensitivity, but also asthma & allergies, diabetes, infertility, obesity and more.  In the United States, somewhere around 80,000 different chemicals are registered for industrial use, and consequently make their way into our homes, our air and our water.  Believe it or not less than 20% of them have actually been tested to make sure they are safe for us and for the environment!

Many of them in fact may not cause immediate, acute symptoms in the amounts they are used in our cleaning products, on our clothes, in our home furnishings, bedding, paints, and more, but over the long run, many researchers believe that the epidemic of cancer and increases in many other diseases like asthma and allergies, is due in no small part to the increase and accumulation in our bodies of all these chemicals.  If your body's detoxification system is working well, it is designed to remove toxins from the body in order to keep us healthy.  However, many of us have detox systems that are overwhelmed and not functioning at a peak.  Many vitamins and especially minerals are necessary for detoxification to take place effectively, including vitamins A, B, C, E and minerals like magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, molybdenum and more.

This is one reason why we recommend taking natural whole food, non-toxic, vitamins and nutritional supplements today.  Our bodies simply use up too many nutrients just trying to get rid of all the chemicals we are exposed to.  However, another important step is to try to reduce the amount of toxins you are exposed to at least in your home where you can, over time, control it!  You will still be exposed to things outside your home, but why not try to start to create an oasis inside your home, where your body can rest and rejuvenate itself, and spend its time getting rid of other toxins you have accumulated, instead of being hit by more chemicals???

Many people have considerable faith that the US government is keeping us safe by ensuring that the products we buy are non-toxic.  However, this is actually far from the truth.  As noted above, less than 20% of chemicals used in our products today have been tested for long term safety.  For example, recently it was discovered that lead was contained in several trusted brands of lipsticks, with some of the highest amounts found in the exclusive Dior brand as well as the very common Cover Girl and L'Oreal brands.  More than ½ of the top brand lipsticks (61) had lead!  One-third of them exceeded the 0.1 ppm FDA lead limit for candy, in spite of the fact that recent studies indicate there is NO safe level of lead.  Often, chemicals are used in various household and other products until enough people get really sick or die, and then slowly some changes occur.  Wouldn't you rather start to protect your family now???

Chews 4 Health:  The Nutritional iPod

Nutritional Network Marketing at it's Best

Chews 4 Health:  A Unique Delivery System

Chews 4 Health has been likened to the iPod, as many say it will revolutionize the nutritional industry the way the iPod has completely changed the music industry.  We chew our food, and in this way pre-digest our food and make the nutrients in it more available to our bodies.  This new supplement features whole food nutrition that will also be chewed, and hence absorption will be greatly enhanced compared to most other supplements.  Chews 4 Health contains super juices:  Noni, Goji, Acai and Mangosteen, super antioxidants:  Vitamin B12, Folic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Resveratrol, mineral rich sea vegetables:  Kelp, Nori, Dulse and Bladderwrack, and super fruits:  Blueberry, Cranberry, Pomegranate and Raspberry.  This great tasting chew will add minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other phytonutrients to your diet.  EcoViva will soon have low cost samples on our site.  You can get more info here.

In addition, this new vitamin and mineral “chew” is being sold under an optional multi-level opportunity that may be very lucrative for you.  This is truly a chance of a lifetime to create residual income by getting in on the ground floor of a company with a top notch nutritional product that  also has an excellent pay plan and in-depth marketing support.  In order for a company to be successful in today's world, it is not enough that they have a good product, but the marketing and compensation really have to be excellent as well.

This company will sponsor a massive advertising coop - this is great news for those of you who have a hard time going out and selling - or who simply want to build your business faster - you can get some of the leads that will be generated by their TV, radio and newsprint advertising.  But hurry and sign up as soon as possible for that, the plan is that only the first 9,000 people will be able to participate in the ad coop. 

They also have a 3 D Video online that will help do the selling for you on the website they will give you.  All this, combined with a unique binary pay program that pays 12% on both your strong and weak side!  That's 24% combined commissions (unprecedented in Network Marketing!)

If you want to get more information, please click here.

Coconut Oil and Saturated Fats in the Diet

According to the American Heart Association, trends show us that while the number of people dying from heart disease has decreased, the number of people getting heart disease is actually going up.  This means that we are getting better at managing heart problems like heart attacks and strokes with acute care and drugs, but we are not preventing them.  At the same time, you will find most media articles still reporting that we need to lower our fat in our diets, especially the saturated fats, like those that come from red meats and coconut oil.  Is this true?

Well, we will let you do some of your own research (try for starters), but we think this is not true.  Back around the turn of the last century, Americans ate more saturated fat in the form of coconut and palm oils, butter, bacon, lard, red meat and more, but their heart disease rates were much lower than they are now*.  In France, too, as recently as 1991, the French still ate lots of saturated fats in the form of butter, cream, foie gras and more, but they had heart disease rates ½ that of Americans.  In fact, in the Gasgony region of France where they eat more saturated fat than any other people studied in the developed world, their heart disease rates are ½ that of the French people as a whole or ¼ of that of the Americans!!  Also people in the tropics have traditionally used lots of coconut products including coconut oil for thousands of years without having heart disease problems until they started eating processed foods like sugars and new fangled oils like vegetable oils.

There are many studies out today that show that the level of trans fatty acids and also refined sugars that you consume is a far more important indicator of heart disease levels than the amount of saturated fats you consume.  In fact, the original studies implicating saturated fat with causing heart disease were done with hydrogenated oils that contained high levels of trans fatty acids.  Hmm…

So back to coconut oil, we believe that coconut oil has many benefits, including its proven ability to lower viral and bacterial infections, and that those who say its not good simply because it’s high in saturated fats, have not carefully studied all the facts.  In addition, that many researchers are now implicating chronic infection more and more in many chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.

*In fact, in 2005, around 50% of deaths in America were from heart disease and cancer, but in 1900, heart disease and cancer accounted for only 13 percent of the deaths. The rate of death from heart disease has nearly doubled and the rate for cancer has nearly tripled from 1900 to 2005.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.




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